Course: Unreal 4.22 C++

Course: Unreal 4.22 C++ Developer: Learn C++ and Make Video Games
This course consisted of multiple parts, A third person shooter, A Tank game, A Dungeon Escape game and 2 basic C++ games to get familiar with C++ and Unreal.

The parts are sorted from new to old. During each part of this course I did my best to do each challenge without any assistance. I only included the projects where I worked in my own time to add more features that were not part of the course. I completed this course in December 2021. After I completed the course, I created the features seen below. 


I put the most work into the ThirdPersonShooter game. I added Reload, Weapon swap and Ammo functionality. I also created custom AI nodes to add new behavior to the BehaviorTree.

Other Unreal Projects I added extra features to

ToonTanks, here I added different enemy types and Health functionality

DungeonEscape where I designed and created the level myself, layout design below.

DungeonEscape layout design draft

Check me out on github

Portfolio website - Raymond Becking

See my GITHUB page here!

Website built together with Onno L'Ortye